School finished two weeks ago, and work went right into full swing for the holidays... In the midst of everything I recieved my Praxis (art content knowledge) scores and am happy to say... I PASSED!!!! I have been busy making this quilt for christmas. It is a gift for my mother, that never reads this blog... so hopefully she will not decide to start now. I used the simple rolls of pre-cut strips due to the time I had to make it. It is the first "traditional" quilt that I have made. Which means that without fail there are things that will be done differently the next time that I make one. I am pleased with the design of the overall quilt, it was not made from a pattern just an idea that I had. I think that if I followed other people's instuctions this would have gone smoother. However I am me, and I learn by doing and doing it MY way. Which means a few seams had to be sewn and unraveled. In the end it was a great learning experience and a fun project. I hope that she loves it.