Here are a few of my favorite things, some practical, some fun, some sheer pleasure. (there is no order, just a ramble off my mind)
Art, old, new, innovative, historical....
freshly threaded looms, with linen warps
thread, especially the wooden spools
vintage and antique lace
old quilts
hem tape, from the 50's through the 70's
any old sewing notions especially found in a box, in the basement of an estate sale
teaching someone something new
really good sheets and linens
old linens
pure classic white linen
antique stores, vintage stores, thrift stores
estate sales
beautiful high end department stores, full with designer goods
vintage clothing stores
vintage Chanel, new Chanel, Chanel
really great old bookstores
harry potter 1-7
twilight 1-4
the big stone gap series of books
books that are in a series, it makes post-bookdom a little easier to deal with
Trish Mcevoy, makeup, the organization could not have been designed better if it was me
electric pink lip sh lack by lancome, new for spring
vamp by Chanel
ruby woo by mac
black pants that fit... so flattering and classic
black cardigan
collared shirts
cute flat shoes
stilettos with an extra sparkle, buckle or sequin
scarfs, shawls
paper, to write on, make with, glue on, or to
earl grey tea
french fries
my family, such a huge part of who I am
my friends, that let me vent and keep me grounded
serra do moradal
iron bed frames
a really good Shiraz
different beer
the idea of Paris
romantic notions
the ocean
rubber stamps
frida kahlo
long tall skinny trees
making in my studio.
There are more, but I will not bore you. I simply wanted to get out a few of the things that drive me, make me who I am and make me smile.