Sandy, the nightmare hurricane seemed to leave us unscathed here in Richmond. I send well wishes to anyone up north, and hope for a recovery to normal everyday life soon!
The election is over, and everyone can take down their tacky lawn signs, and stop the nasty ads on television... the best part, and I won't speak too much of it, because this is not a political blog... I am pleased with the outcome!!

My life never seems to calm down, and honestly I don't think I would like it, if it did. Being busy means life, and that is a good sign. I celebrated my 29th birthday yesterday... Strange to think of myself as that, not that I think I am old or anything, just that the passage of time happens quickly and somehow you wake up and are 29. I share a birthday with my younger sister, yes we were born the same day, 8 years apart. So yesterday was here 21st! We celebrated together and had a really nice day and evening, surrounded by friends and good times. I still remember the day she was born, I was a bit annoyed with her presence on my day, however now its mostly just fun! her real present was a Madonna concert a few months ago, and above are just some little souvenirs. Yep, I call her Beluga, no idea where it came from, but that has remained her nickname since she was born!

Between the election, birthdays, weddings, Halloween, and life in general, I have not been posting on etsy as much, however I have been making myself a little something. I fell in love with these fabrics together so I am making a little lap quilt. I got a new machine for my birthday and have been playing with the decorative stitches. I love the look of them. I will still hand tie and stitch some quilts, but when I want a fast outcome it is nice to have the option.
Really enjoying the new machine, it is still simple like my old one, but has more options on stitches. I really prefer to use simple machines to complicated, over-computerized versions. I think the basics, and classics, get the job done and still show the hand of the maker. Which to me, is an important step.
Wow what a jumpy post, from storms, to elections, and machines!