It is looking a lot like that time of the year around here... The time when sparkling ornaments, and small little trees make their way out of hibernation and into the house. Christmas is not my favorite of all the holidays, however I do love decorating, and wrapping presents. There is something cozy about this time of the year, and I love making the house feel that way. It is also nice to take a moment, when possible, and think about all of the lovely things that have happened in 2012, thus far. The mantel is ready for a big man, with a white beard to break in and leave some treats in the stockings. (Still have to make one for the little four legged Achilles.)
The little cars are ready too.
As for the studio I have been able to steal a few moments in there to make this small quilt. I do not tend to buy a lot of Christmas or holiday fabric for that matter. However this line by Aneela Hoey was to much fun not to. I got it while I was in Portland, and I think it was actually on sale too. Hard to walk away from that. I love the little snow globes, and holiday sweaters on clotheslines, and since I have a lot of birds in my tree, it just had to come home with me. I am a bit further in the quilt than in the above picture, and hopefully will soon finish it, to enjoy for the holiday.

The studio was actually clean for a couple of days. Being a clean person to begin with, it is usually not that bad. However there are almost always stacks of fabric, and ironing board and thread all over the place. "A working mess" I like to call it, the only mess I can tolerate. It really is nice when it is clean for a little while though, it only really gets that way when people are coming over though.

I was in love with this train made of gingerbread, and need to go back to admire it once more. It is at the Jefferson Hotel, here in Richmond. That is my step-dad Tom taking a peek at it, and if you think it looks big, keep in mind he is 6 feet tall! It contains 3,000 pounds of gingerbread alone. The tracks below, are even made of jellybeans and crushed chocolate. Brilliant! I love things like this built by hand! Especially now in an age of cell phones, tablets, pods, pads, fires, nooks and all the other crannies! We took our out of town guests there and they really enjoyed it. A good place to remind children of this era how far a little imagination and hand-work can go!