Monday, August 4, 2014

bookworms and such....

I have not completely given up on this blog, but it does seem as the time in between posting is further and further apart... I have been working along in the studio quilts have been finished another almost there... and in between the sewing there has been a great deal of gardening and enjoying the summer. Something about summer naturally makes for a slower pace, the long days must have something to do with that. I am off to the beach next week and am really looking forward to some time away by the water. Eventually the quilts will be photographed and posted as for now... some book talk! 

I was anticipating both of these books being released. They ended up coming a week apart and I really read both of them. With quilting books sometimes it is easy to flip through them and just look, but both of these ladies did an amazing job writing about the art of sewing quilts, and their passion came through the books. The first is Carolyn Friedlander's Savor Each Stitch, she was able to write about sewing from a fine art perspective. I think that is something that needs to be done more! I was so pleased with the writing, the quilts!!!! her work is brilliant! her fabric is brilliant! and hopefully one day I will meet her! the photography in the book was also lovely, all done locally to where she is from. I love that she is so passionate about her home, it makes me think of how I feel for Richmond. 
The second book is Make and Love Quilts, by Mary Fons, I began following her through her magazine Quilty, and have since started reading her blog. As a writer she is wonderful, it is really more what she began doing, and as a quilter I love her use of tradition in a modern way. 
These two books different as far as the quilts and projects go, but both ladies are a giant inspiration to me, and they help define the modern quilt world in the art world in my opinion. I will keep these two handy and refer to them often, they are must reads for modern quilting, sewists!