I love fall more than any other season. The bright leaves, pumpkins, the warmth in the food, the bright warm tones everywhere, and the feeling of returning to sweaters and preparing for winter. Halloween, my all time favorite holiday, and my birthday are both in the fall which makes it that much more delightful. However this year the weather is still in the high 80's and there is still no rain in sight. The warmth was ok in the summer but at this point I have had it. I want to feel the crisp air that comes with october, the smell of the leaves and the first frost. I have to admit the weather is beginning to freak me out a little bit. I am trying to be more mindful for the enviorment and am intersted in learning about ways to do more. I am open to any suggestions. There was a night a few days ago when it got below 55 and it felt so good, I even made a cup of tea and sat and read on my red couch, it was delightful. I have my fingers crossed that it will begin to feel like October soon, or at least by November.
I have been so preoccupied with school lately that I have not had the chance to post as often. I am sorry about that because I really enjoy writing this blog. I do not think that very many people read it, however it keeps me motivated to make because the audience is there and I can get my thoughts out. This photo above is of a project that I have been working on for a class. I had to write a lesson plan, my very first formal one. I then had to present it to my class, as if I were teaching it to fifth grade. Overall I am really happy with the presentation and the projects ended up being great! The lesson was based on Frida Kahlo and the Day of the Dead. The students had to find symbolism in Frida's work from the day of the dead, and then create their own art with symbolism of someone or a special thing they have lost. The photo is of the finished pieces and the bulletin board.
This weekend is the central Virginia quilt tour. I am super excited! I will not be able to make it to all ten stores but I am going to try to get to four. (This is ambitious with the school work I should do, but I think I will manage). Check out the site if you are interested in going: http://www.tourdequilt.com
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