Let's start with one of the most necessary rooms. The downstairs bathroom. For the time being this bathroom is going to get a clean fresh coat of paint, and a good deep cleaning. That shower curtain, not mine so it too will be going. Eventually we would like to put in a claw foot tub and get rid of the existing shower, put down new floor tile and a new vanity mirror as well. I love the sink in this bathroom though, the original pedestal sink.
Here is the living room, not the best shot, more to come later. There is a working fireplace, and in addition a door to the laundry room and the main door. Arranging furniture in there will be interesting, but cozy. This room has already been painted, and those photos will come soon, it is a pale grey that is fresh but calm. It is the Home Depot Martha Stewart lamb. I happen to love the colors of her paint.
This is the kitchen. There is not much that needs to be done in there for now. In the future I would love to put tiles or something interesting on the backwash under the cabinets. As well as upgrade the appliances to stainless steel. I will also change some of the knobs on the doors and drawers. For a small kitchen it has a fair amount of cabinet space, which is always nice.
Here is the staircase going to the second floor. The carpeting is on its way out, currently it is the last piece of carpeting in the house. There is hardwood underneath, so it will be sanded and varnished to look like new again. This is the last flooring to be taken care of right after the official move, to allow for the movers, so that no new scratches or nicks appear.
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