Monday, September 10, 2012

stitch... pin... stitch.. pin...

Yep still playing with hexagons... This pillow is made using less hexagons than the others, and I appliqued them on top of a pieced back. I am enjoying the pattern on pattern look of it. 

It is up on etsy...

I finally had some time this morning to make up some of these coffins. They do not move along as fast as the hexagons, but they are just as satisfying to make! I am in love with the crazy witch with the veil. The paper piecing is really working nicely for me. It has been a long time since I was first introduced to it, but only now am I really getting into it. I love that I can take it with me and work on the little pieces, and then come to the studio for assembly. I have always been a sucker for making small pieces for a larger whole. 

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