Thursday, October 11, 2012

welcome to the current century!

So after many months of holding back I finally broke down and got an i-phone. I would have put it off longer, if an acquaintance hadn't made me such a good deal. I don't know how I feel about being "that connected" all the time! However it is like anything else I can hit the silent button and forget the world. The main reason I have been thinking about it, is so that I can make blogging easier at times, and so that I can check up on etsy and other projects from just about anywhere.

Well since I got this thing I have been playing with Instagram, which I really like so far.

The house is beginning to look a lot like Halloween! I still need to work out some kinks on how to get the photos on the blog, but here are the first ones. The pumpkins from below were actually a product of my garden! There are fake ones mixed in for a little umph! 

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