Monday, April 28, 2014


A long, endless, bitter, cold winter finally came to an end, and what a lovely spring that came. These photos are from a couple of weeks ago, and the garden is much more advanced now, but I had to share my first blooms. The garden is the best it has ever been, and compared to the weeds that existed when we purchased the house, this is a vast improvement! Thanks to my mom and her willingness to divide and concur her own garden I have been gifted lots of the plants that I have, and I must say it is nice to know that it came from her home. 

The back wall has a lovely morning light cast on it. The clematis on the fence is now covering it, such a big difference two weeks make. 

Can't get enough of these! I love poppies and my Icelandic poppies are back full force this year too! 

 A perfect Camellia, even Coco Chanel would be proud. 

The succulent collection that I have been putting together is coming back nicely, I have a lot of different pots of them and some as ground cover too. I love the way that they look!  

My hybrid Camellia, half red half white. Makes me thinking of Alice in Wonderland when they have to paint the roses red. 

Miniature daffodils. So sweet. 

More miniatures. 

It has been nice to get back out there, play in the dirt and watch everything come back to life again. That is my favorite part of spring, makes winter almost worth waiting... almost. 

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