Monday, October 28, 2013

post book-dom

At the beginning of the month I finished reading the latest book in the Inspector Gamache Series by Louise Penny, How the light gets in. As expected it was wonderful! Her books are well written and interesting and this one tied up some loose ends from the previous books in the series. I love how visual her writing is, you can almost feel the places that she is writing. In my opinion that is one of the signs of a truly good book, feeling as if you have escaped into whatever world, place, time, that the book is taking place in. That is the reason I love to read sometimes, the escape into other places. I did feel some sadness when I finished this book because it might be the last in the series, and after nine books in the series I was really loving the familiarity with the characters. Hopefully there will be more... 

I have been on a reading rampage lately, and after I  gave myself a few days to mull over the ending of the last Gamache book I jumped into Dan Brown's Inferno. I love Italy and art and Brown's books are so well researched that they make even the art historians enjoy the story being told. The latest is definitely my favorite, over the past 2 days I have almost finished it. I am sure tonight I wont be able to sleep until the last page! It is so well woven with what is happening in the world today and Dante's Inferno. When I am done I may re-visit Dante's Inferno it has been some years since I have read any of it and it is still a mesmerizing depiction of hell, and humanity. Inferno is definitely a great read and one I recommend, just be ready to give up 2 days to it.... because it is impossible to put down! 

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