Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Miss. Ana

Today was my final day teaching for my service learning project. It goes on for 12 weeks, however I only get three to teach. My project was to make a placemat that depicted an ideal setting for a family dinner in their eyes. The placemats were not to function as utilitarian objects, but more as sculpture. The final presentation of these will be in december at the Planet Zero gallery in Richmond. I am going to display them, Judy Chicago style, all around a table with the artist statements that the kids wrote out. I never ever in my wildest imagination pictured myself teaching small children (third grade) however I have to say it went well, and I actually enjoyed it. Most people that know me know that children have never been my cup of tea, but I have to say I am not sure I ever related to them on an artistic level, and at this level I think I can work with them. I still do not think I ever want my own but the idea of having to teach them for a year or two before I can teach high school does not intimidate me as much as it did five weeks ago. Below are a few of the finished placemats, and yes she does have that many people at her dinner, and yes those things with lots of eyes are fish!

The coolest apron I own, and believe me I own a lot of aprons! Thanks babe.

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