Monday, September 30, 2013


The quilt top, backing and binding are all complete for my camping "explosion". This is one of the silliest things I have made in a very long time, and I must say... I really had fun making it! I used a lot, A LOT, of different fabrics... maybe too many, but don't really care. It is what I wanted a bit kitch with some nostalgia, and all the things that are related to camping without the realistic aspect of what it actually is like. 

I finished the top the other day and I had to step back and look away for a minute because I was afraid I had gone off the deep end for a minute, with so much going on and no order... very unlike me... and then I was flipping through a magazine and saw the advertisement below for Target Threshold collection for fall... 

Notice the colors... similar to my quilt. and the patterns.... lots of them.... and then I realized I was just starting the fall trend with this thing. (sense the sarcasm) And I didn't care anymore if it was "too much" because sometimes "too much" can be just right. 

This one is getting sent off to the long arm quilter to be finished, hopefully with a "plaid" type look. Better photographs after it is finished!

1 comment:

SewAmy said...

I think this quilt is great! I can't wait to see the finished quilting on it.